Radish: helpful in digestion

Radish is everyone,s favourite vegetable,It is of two colors red and white.It helps in digetion but itself takes time to digest.If radish is used with its leaves them it digests easily, so eat radish with its leaves.

Specially, people who eat meat frequently they should eat radish to avoide kidney and gallbladder complecations.It discharges all wastage of kidney and gallbaldder.Its use makes your complexion more fair and glowing.Radish should not be eaten before food and also at night.Eat radish at noon as salad.Cut slices of radish,sprinkle salt on them,it will be very delicious. Use of radish is very effective in liver infections also.Water squeezed from radish with sugar is useful for the palients of jondaus.Radish is usefull for all kins of urine diseases helpful in urine fluency and also in taking out the heat of liver and gallbladder.Radish eith blackpepper is useful for diseases of gums and strengthens teeth also.Radish has phosphorus,calcium,vilamin c and iron in a large amount.


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