The use of drones a 'just war' is: President Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama defended the strikes, saying that it is a self-defense against dangerous extremists 'just war' and a campaign to secure the United States.
National Defense University in Washington on Thursday, President Obama said in a speech on national security need to ensure that it is exactly that no civilian casualties in drone attacks. U.S. president four U.S. citizens killed in drone strikes also defended.
More U.S. surveillance drone strikes would be willing to accept President Obama
All they can do is kill.He said, 'So this is a just war, a war of self-defense and as a last resort ratio is introduced.
U.S. President said, "Now the war is entering a new phase, the U.S. debate over the legal claims of self-defense is not., It is the most effective military tactic is legal, it does not say In every situation it is legal and prudent.U.S. President Barack Obama warned that a permanent war against terrorism, whether it's through drone strikes, special forces or troops are deployed, "self-defeating" would like to.President Obama told the audience that "Guantanamo has become a symbol to the world that America is tksyk the rule of law.
The new policy guidelines drone attacks:
Drone attacks new U.S. administration for the reasons stated in the policy under which the war zones such as Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia drone strikes are used.
An outline of the policy was issued to the media that his administration has said that they would prefer terrorists and suspects will be caught and then the U.S. drone strikes immediately is no risk.
The administration has set a standard which will be approved drone attacks.
These limits ensure that the target level is present, it is not possible to capture, injure or kill an ordinary citizen would not.
Before administration of the question that he can not deal with endangered and there is no other alternative.
According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism believes that NREGA 2004 368 drone strikes in Pakistan have been.
In addition, 46 of the 56 drone attacks in Yemen has confirmed the drone strike and overall most are in the era of Obama.
Yemen and Pakistan for the first time Wednesday in U.S. drone attacks killed four U.S. citizens were recognized.


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